American Journal of Enology and Viticulture

VOLUME 15(2004)


巻頭随想 (ESSAY)

日本のワイン発祥の地 山梨県勝沼町

研究報文(Original Papers)

(青木康宏・土橋雅純・三澤茂計・荻野 敏・三木健夫・柳田藤寿・篠原 隆)
Y. AOKI,M. DOBASHI,S. MISAWA,S. OGINO, T. MIKI, F. YANAGIDA,and T. SHINOHARA: Concentration of Koshu Grape Must by Cryogenic Evaporation under Vacuum and Its Effect on Resultant White Wine Composition. J. ASEV Jpn., 15, 2-8 (2004)

K. MIURA and G. OKAMOTO: Efect of Giberelin A 3 on Pollen Tube Growth and Berry Set in Diploid and Tetraploid Grape Clusters. J. ASEV Jpn., 15, 9-16 (2004)

(水野秀昭・大西浩徳・平野 健・岡本五郎)
H. MIZUNO, H. ONISHI, K. HIRANO, and G. OKAMOTO: Efect of Anthocyanin Composition and Anthocyanoplast Development on Grape Skin Coloration. J. ASEV Jpn., 15, 17-23 (2004)

屈折計及び比重計を用いた甲州ブドウ果汁の全可溶性固形物の測定に及ぼす温度と果汁清澄度の影響 [Technical Brief]
(横塚弘毅・西畑徹平・奥田 徹・高柳 勉)
K. YOKOTSUKA, T. NISHIHATA, T. OKUDA, and T. TAKAYANAGI: Effects of Juice Clarification and Measurement Temperature on Total Soluble Solids Content in Koshu Grape Juice Measured with Brix Refractometer and Hydrometer. J. ASEV Jpn., 15, 24-28 (2004)

ブドウクラスIIIキチナーゼアミノ酸配列の品種間比較 [Research Note]
(高柳 勉・阿野明彦・奥田 徹・横塚弘毅)
T. TAKAYANAGI, A. ANO, T. OKUDA, K. YOKOTSUKA: Comparative Analysis of Amino Acid Sequences of Class III Chitinases from Vitis Species. J. ASEV Jpn., 15, 29-33 (2004))

GRAPEVINE (Articles)

M. ANZO: A Very Hot Vintage and Wines in Bordeaux.


研究報文(Original Papers)

Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR)解析による不明ブドウ品種の同定
(後藤(山本)奈美、万 光華、沼田美子代、荒巻 功、橋爪克己)
N. GOTO-YAMAMOTO, G. WAN, M. NUMATA, I. ARAMAKI, and K. HASHIZUME: Identification of Unknown Grape Cultivars Using Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) Analysis. J. ASEV Jpn., 15, 52-57 (2004)

(平野 健、柏木美香、岡本五郎)
K. HIRANO, M. KASHIWAGI, and G. OKAMOTO: Effect of Nitrogen Level on Aroma Content of Muscat of Alexandria Grape Berries. J. ASEV Jpn., 15, 58-62 (2004)

ヤマブドウを原料としたワインビネガーの成分特性[Research Note]
(岡本五郎・今井 孝・水野秀昭・長瀬賢二)
G. OKAMOTO, T. IMAI, H. MIZUNO, K. NAGASE: Unique Wine Vinegar Produced from Vitis coignetiae Grapes. J. ASEV Jpn., 15, 63-68 (2004)

Japan Wine Competition 2005

Japan Wine Competition 2004 (第2回国産ワインコンクール) 開催報告



年次大会プログラム (Program of Domestic Congress)

2004.11.27(土) ぶどうの丘イベントホール(山梨県勝沼町)
